
Hello. My name is Fùyuán Zhèng, or, 郑富元 in real Mandarin. You may know me as Fuyuan, so you are wondering what the curves and lines that I put in my name are.

I know, weird, huh?

It’s actually the intonation that each character in Chinese has as part of the pīnyīn system. If you ever wonder how it’s authentically pronounced and what it means, ask me when we meet in person. Not me trying to be pretentious or something, just really think you should know what my parents and family friends call me at home.

One day, if I ever become an influential director or, you know, a famous stage manager (which is even harder), I will ask the producer to put the intonations on the Playbill, I promise.

Picture taken at the Theatre of Dionysus, Acropolis, Athens in 2024.